Parental Brain 2025
May 7-9, 2025 - Barcelona, Spain
Parental Brain Meetings join experts from around the globe who study parenting, the parental brain, parental physical and psychological health.
Parental Brain 2025 is the 8th International Meeting on the Neuroscience of Parenting.
Local Organizers:
Dr Susana Carmona
Dr Oscar Vilarroya
Sponsored, in part, by BeMother
Keynote Speakers

JNE Young Investigator Symposium
We will be presenting JNE Young Investigator Awards for Early Career Researchers (undergraduates to PhD +4 years). When submitting your abstract, let us know if you are interested in being considered for this award.
Submission deadline March 15th, 2025.
Decision by mid April, 2025.
Late-Breaking Research Talks
This year we will be selecting talks from abstract submissions. If you're interested in presenting your data orally, let us know when you submit your abstract.
Submission deadline Jan 15, 2025.
Decision by March 1, 2025
Poster Sessions
We will be having poster sessions for in person attendees at PB2025. Get your data together. Submission deadline March 15th, 2025.
Note: Posters will be vertical format (A0).
Bring infants and children? Let us know and we will help you find what you need to make your conference experience a positive one. Lactation room available.

Confirmed Speakers
​​Shir Atzil, PhD, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Rosie Brown, PhD, University of Otago, New Zealand
Kristina Delligiannidis, MD PhD, Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, USA
Robert Froemke, PhD, New York University, USA
Bronwyn Graham, PhD, University of New South Wales, Australia
Jonny Kohl, PhD, The Francis Crick Institute, England
Benedetta Leuner, PhD, Ohio State University, USA
Lauren O'Connell, PhD, Stanford University, USA
Jodi Pawluski, PhD, University of Rennes, France
James Rilling, PhD, Emory University, USA
Wendy Saltzman, PhD University of California Riverside, USA
Darby Saxbe, PhD, University of Southern California, USA
James Swain, MD PhD, Stony Brook University, USA
Pascal Vrticka, PhD, University of Essex, England